OnScene, Inc.
21 Madera Avenue
San Carlos, CA 94070
Contact: Mary Black, (408) 390-3310, info@onscene.com
Internet startup announces contest to promote new concept
Site showcases undiscovered talent
San Carlos, CA, June14, 2004 — OnScene, Inc. unveiled a new approach to digital media licensing via the Web today. “Now, any artist, anywhere, can easily market their work globally,” said OnScene President, David Schwartz.
The launch of OnScene.com features a no-entry-fee digital media contest. Entries will be accepted until September 1st. Cash prizes range from $100 for first place to $25 for third place in each category. Winners will be announced September 7th. For details, visit… https://www.onscene.com
“Before OnScene,” Schwartz continued, “budding filmmakers, animators, photographers and composers faced big hurdles: they could set up their own E-Bay store, their own Web site or upload to a media blog and hope for the best. OnScene provides an easy, total solution.”
OnScene Members can upload video, photos, animation or music. The website is open to the public. Membership is free, and there are two types: General and Adult. OnScene’s editorial staff screens and rates all content. Any material deemed not suitable for a general audience is categorized as Adult.
Explaining this policy, Schwartz said, “The Adult Members area is screened off from the General Members and the public because we know some content is too violent, or inappropriate for kids.”
Media buyers can search the digital media at OnScene rapidly by the artist’s name, the subject, the title, geographic location or date. Digital media authors set their own sales and licensing terms.
“Every photo, film clip, animation or piece of music at OnScene has a ‘License Me’ button right next to it, so buyers can instantly get price and availability information,” said Schwartz.
Onscene.com generates revenues by taking a small percentage of the licensing fees, and from advertising. OnScene, Inc. is a closely held Nevada corporation founded in 2004. The company’s mission is to provide the digital arts community with a moderated venue for display and promotion of their work, while offering media buyers an easily searchable database of original content for purchase or license.
Media Buyers
Notice of Capabilities
S&S Entertainment, LLC functions as agents and brokers to and for content Producers.
Our abilities and resources are worldwide. We are highly focused on and in the Adult Entertainment Industry but many of our client producer mainstream content as well.
For interest in the titles we have available for worldwide licensing email or telephone Shaul Saulisbury, ssagents@gmail.com or 714.683.6113, Thank you for your consideration.
Marc Bruder
(Cable Entertainment Distribution)