Despite the level of importance the university is placing upon the online course “Think About It,” several students couldn’t recall the mandatory program.
“Think About It” is an online course that teaches college students about safe sex, relationships, drugs and alcohol, said Tom Johnson, the assistant director of the Wellness Resource Center. The program is designed to help students figure out how to manage the new party culture as they go through the transition from high school to college.
The program is administered through the Wellness Resource Center, located in the lower level of Mitten Hall. The WRC sends out emails to new students to take the lengthy “Think About It” course every year.
Incoming students were required to complete the online course by Sept. 6 by the Dean of Students office. If students do not complete the course, a hold can be put on their account. This hold would prevent students from being able to request a copy of their transcripts.
Many colleges inform their students about sex and college party culture through various services and programs. Several colleges throughout the country use Campus Clarity’s “Think About It” programs.
Local universities are educating their students on issues surrounding partying and sexual assault as well. Drexel University provides counseling for relationships and sexuality, while the University of Pennsylvania uses a program called Penn Violence Prevention, which serves as a preventative education office for sexual assault. Philadelphia University combats sexual assault and dangerous party culture through its Student Health Services office.
“I can’t speak to what specific colleges utilize this program, but many universities utilize online training modules to educate their student body,” Johnson said.
Johnson added that Temple started using “Think About It” in 2013.
Incoming students were sent a notification about the program to their Temple email address before beginning the Fall 2016 semester.
Several students did not receive an introductory email about the “Think About It” courses — just an email stating the deadline was approaching to complete the mandatory program.
“They didn’t mention it during orientation,” said Marisa Duca, a freshman environmental studies major. “I didn’t know about it before I got an email. I only got one email about it. I think they should’ve said something about it during orientation.”
Despite originally not knowing about the “Think About It” courses, Duca said she enjoyed the things she learned from them.
Julie Gang, a freshman natural science major, said it wasn’t mentioned in orientation and she only got one or two reminders leading to the the deadline.
Johnson said he was aware students were not receiving the introductory emails.
“I imagine some individuals may have technical issues and we direct them to work with the company to help resolve those issues,” Johnson said.
“I had some technical difficulties so, I had to do it later in the semester because they had to set it up for me,” Elaine Vallejos, a junior mechanical engineering major, said. “I got several reminders about it. It was mandatory.”
“‘Think About It’ is just one part of a whole host of online and in-person programs and workshops the university offers to address these topics,” Johnson added.
Jenna Song can be reached at jera.song@temple.edu.
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