Live in Philly: Professional dance studio hosts open house for youth and adult beginner classes

The Rock School for Dance Education hosted a community open house for families on Saturday. The school is on Broad Street near Washington Avenue in South Philadelphia and was founded by Milton Rock, an alumnus

The Rock School for Dance Education hosted a community open house for families on Saturday. The school is on Broad Street near Washington Avenue in South Philadelphia and was founded by Milton Rock, an alumnus and honorary life trustee who died in January. The school has a reputation for training professional dancers. With this event, the school hoped to encourage enrollment in its beginner youth and adult classes.

Families were invited to participate in pre-kindergarten hip-hop sample classes, arts and crafts, dance-alongs and to watch a special performance by advanced students at the school. There were also opportunities to register for classes and purchase merchandise.

The school hosts open houses four times a year, said Brian McCole, the school’s production and technical manager.

About 100 people attended the event.

“I think it’s great,” said South Philadelphia resident Katy Otto, who went with her 2-year-old son David. “We live pretty close to here. I thought it would be fun for him to go to, and it’s free. I think it’s really neat for the little ones to see things they can do.”

The event closed with ballet routines by pre-professional students at the Rock School.

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