Dear Readers,
Sexual assault is ingrained in the culture of many college campuses, Temple University being no exception. In college, one in five women and one in 16 men are sexual assaulted, and 90 percent go unreported, according to the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape.
With recent developments in the #MeToo movement, there has been a push for all individuals to end the widespread culture of sexual assault and misconduct. This week, Temple Student Government is hosting Sexual Assault Prevention Week to further educate the student body about sexual assault prevention.
To the survivors of sexual assault and their loved ones, we know this is a hard topic to cover, but The Temple News wants to ensure you we recognize your strength, courage and bravery. If you feel comfortable sharing your story, feel free to reach out to the Intersection team, so we can ensure your voices are heard. Whether it be an interview, an essay or a letter, do not hesitate to get in contact with us. In the interim, please be sure to read the content coming out next week specifically unpacking #MeToo and issues about sexual assault.
Anaya Carter-Duckett

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