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Campus crimes get media attention

Despite the media attention Temple received for the November assault in Anderson Hall and the February anti-Semitic hate crime, Campus Safety Services Executive Director Carl Bittenbender said the numbers for this year look good. Part

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PASCEP is community

Working boring nights in Anderson Hall has shown me there are still community outreach programs that are actually successful. Like clockwork, the lobby of the building transforms into a bustling marketplace of kinship each night.

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Emergency alert network tested

On Valentine’s Day, students at Northern Illinois University witnessed yet another college shooting. According to the New York Times, a lockdown and notification system was put into effect immediately, similar to the TU-Alert system that

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Safety First

Reality struck again Thursday evening. And it struck hard. With all of the fancy bells and whistles Temple has added to campus in recent year, it’s almost too easy for students to forget that this

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Emergency notification sounds off

The new emergency contact system has now been installed throughout the entire university. The system is called the MiR3 and it is a two-way notification system that will alert students and faculty in the situation