Columns Book Worm: Temple prof tests the waters 02 December 2008 Award-winning author Joseph McElroy teaches an English capstone course about H2O.
Columns Book Worm: Stretching the truth 11 November 2008 John Hodgman’s latest book is an enjoyable read, but it wouldn’t pass any fact checker’s test.
Columns Book Worm: Grandmasters of horror 28 October 2008 This Halloween, take advantage of Philadelphia’s connection to the authors of both ‘Dracula’ and ‘The Raven.’
Features Book Worm: Pirates are only the surrealist beginning 14 October 2008 The novel The Gone-Away World has recieved both rave and dreadful reviews. Peter Chomko, for one, is smitten.
Features Book Worm: Banned Book Week isn’t enough 30 September 2008 Attending a reading for The Catcher in the Rye is “intellectual masturbation.” If you really want to help, donate a banned book to your local library.
Features Book Worm: Make way for the literati, Roth and Prose 16 September 2008 September marks the start of Author Events Season, which will feature more book signings and discussions than you can read about.
Features ‘Yesterday’s Weather’: A book review 01 September 2008 Peter Chomko reviews Anne Enright’s ‘Yesterday’s Weather’ in this week’s Book Worm.