Opinion Stop blaming Black people and not voter suppression 03 November 2020 Camillia Benjamin A student describes the voter shame directed at Black people who do not vote, despite the fact that they’ve been disenfranchised the most.
elections What you need to know about how to vote today 03 November 2020 Amelia Winger Polls and election offices are open for voters to cast ballots in person or drop off mail-in ballots.
elections Rep. Dwight Evans challenged by Michael Harvey in the 3rd District 27 October 2020 Amelia Winger Evans plans to address inequities in the healthcare system if re-elected, while Harvey would address unemployment in the 3rd congressional district.
Commentary Republicans are hypocrites for filling Justice seat so soon 26 October 2020 Madison Seitchik A student argues it is hypocritical for Republicans to fill Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat just days before the election.
elections Rep. Brendan Boyle challenged in District 2 by David Torres 06 October 2020 Isabel Hackett Incumbent Brendan Boyle faces David Torres for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Features Voices: Are you registered to vote for Election Day? 06 October 2020 Tyra Brown Students at Temple University share if they are registered to vote and why.
Commentary Participate in local politics even after Election Day 05 November 2019 Meaghan Burke After today’s local elections, students should note the role local government plays in their lives.
elections Democrats representing constituents near Temple’s Main Campus win all contests 07 November 2018 Hal Conte Students watched the midterm election results come in at an event hosted by Temple’s Political Science Society on Tuesday.
Around Campus First-time Temple student voters turn out for midterm elections 06 November 2018 Kyra Miller Several students hit the polls for the first time to make their voices count in Tuesday’s midterm elections.
Letters to the Editor Letter: Find your polling place, vote 01 November 2018 Letter Student Body President Gadi Zimmerman urges Temple University students to participate in midterm elections.