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Circle Jerks reunite

As a general rule, reunion tours are pretty terrible. Punk Rock reunions are the worst. It’s embarrassing to watch guys who look like your uncle play songs about teenage angst. Sure, most of these guys

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CD reviews

This week’s CD reviews are on: >> Cornelius >> Neil Halstead >> Hoobastank >> Raul Malo >> No Doubt >> The Extra Glenns >> Huon >> Elastica Cornelius Point (Matador) The term “song writer” certainly

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Outstanding Owl

The unknown remains a lure to the young minds entering the realms of any science. Andrew Thomas, 19, is one student drawn to that unknown. As a biochemistry major with a possible philosophy minor in

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Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) – You’re still on the receiving end of energy, attention and maybe even money. You could get a better job or a new assignment. It looks like work is involved, and

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Temple Tips

We all know the two most dreaded words in college. When paging through the syllabus on the first day of class, these two words could bring one to drop a course and pick up another.