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Aries (March 21 – April 20) Catch a movie or read a good book to take your mind off of stressful matters. Taurus (April 21 – May 21) You’re like a seesaw; one minute you’re

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Spring Breakage

Most college students travel to famous Spring Break vacation sites during their mid-term rest. Putting money toward all-inclusive resorts in Cancun, Bahamas, Jamaica and other Caribbean hot spots is the norm. But these commercial scenes

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Silva says so

Hello, my name is Chris Silva and I am the new sports editor. If you don’t know who I am then you’ve missed a lot of sports. I am infatuated with sports, having played them

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Spring sports notebook

The Temple fencing team was ranked seventh in the final national ranking and five of its fencers earned bids to the NCAA Fencing Championships Thursday through Saturday at Drew University. Sophomores Sakinah Shaahid and Aziza