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A friendly exchange of words

Temple and the University of Pennsylvania have more in common than just basketball coach Fran Dunphy. Graduate students from both universities take classes through each school’s English department in a program called Temple-Penn Poetics. The

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Lessons Learned

After one year of name-calling, character assassinations and millions of dollars in lawyer fees, the soap opera that was the Duke Lacrosse rape case is over. But unlike many legal battles, there are no winners

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Crime Report

Compiled from Campus Safety Services’ daily crime log. April 9 Respiratory Store Room Employee reported an unknown person removed an Imax laptop computer from an unsecured storeroom between 4 p.m. April 7 and 8:30 a.m.

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Temple Student Government

‘07 voter turnouts take a dip

Temple Student Government Elections Commissioner Seth Embry announced the results of the TSG election Monday, naming Juan Galeano TSG student body president. The candidates of the “Owl Potential” slate were sworn in by Parliamentarian Dorsey

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Double Standard

The two-letter word ‘ho’ spells more than an insult. It spells hurt. In a moment’s time, that word boiled the blood of listeners and subsequently buried Don Imus’ 40-plus-year broadcasting career. ‘Ho’ and its role