News Housing complex planned for West Pagoda 08 April 2014 Marcus McCarthy Four-story building with retail space set for corner of Carlisle and Oxford streets.
Art An artistic connection 08 April 2014 Alexa Bricker Tyler students collaborated with a middle school.
Art They call it puppy love 08 April 2014 Erin Edinger-Turoff Philly photographer Chris Sembrot photographs owners kissing their dogs.
News Faculty voice concern over decentralized budget model 08 April 2014 Ali Watkins Department officials fear competition from decentralized budget could disrupt education.
Features Students chase title of Pokémon master 08 April 2014 Andrew Thayer Anime Club hosted a live-action role play Pokémon competition.
Art Artists U is helping in financial literacy 08 April 2014 Emily Rolen Artists U helps artists become financially stable.
Gymnastics Cuts raise questions on shared gymnasium 08 April 2014 Steve Bohnel The men’s and women’s teams split gym space, but so do most other schools across the country.
News City’s bid for grant calls for overhaul of Norris homes 08 April 2014 Sarai Flores New proposal would replace Norris homes with new housing, retail and park space.
Around Campus Virtual sports a reality for new club 08 April 2014 Brendan Menapace Temple’s new eSports club plans to gain membership.
Art Local artist finds successful niche in food art 08 April 2014 Albert Hong Hawk Krall illustrates food across the city.