News Helping victims of local crime 09 February 2016 Julie Christie North Central Victim Services helps those impacted by violence.
Community Report: nearby property booming 09 February 2016 Jonathan Gilbert Properties around Main Campus increased the most of any across the city in 2015.
News TUPD may use new body cameras 09 February 2016 Julie Christie Philadelphia Police’s 22nd District started testing them in a pilot program 14 months ago, which has received positive reviews.
News Juveniles to appeal life sentences following ruling 09 February 2016 Lila Gordon Nine percent of those affected are from Philadelphia.
News University doctors discuss medical marijuana 09 February 2016 Lian Parsons The drug is legal medically in 23 states and Washington D.C., and could be legalized in Pennsylvania following more testing.
News Counting the city’s homeless 09 February 2016 Gillian McGoldrick Philadelphia has one of the lowest rates of homelessness, despite having a high poverty rate.
Football Incoming recruits weigh in on stadium 09 February 2016 Julie Christie Seven newly signed football players shared their thoughts on a potential on-campus football stadium.
Basketball Cardoza notches second win against ranked team 09 February 2016 Owen McCue The women’s basketball team defeated then-No.19 South Florida.
Basketball Owls rise to 2nd in American rankings 09 February 2016 Julie Christie The men’s basketball team has won six of its last seven games.
Basketball Covile shoots Owls to upset 09 February 2016 Maura Razanauskas Erica Covile’s last-second shot has a special place in her career.