BloomTU is Temple Student Government’s new executive team along with six candidates running for Parliament in unopposed elections, TSG announced today.
Quinn Litsinger, the student body president-elect and a sophomore political science major, Mark Rey, vice president of services-elect and a junior public health major, and Larice Mejia, vice president of external affairs-elect and a junior human resource management major, won with 280 student votes in a low-turnout election dogged by controversy after ListenTU, BloomTU’s opponent, dropped out Sunday, alleging ethical misconduct by several TSG members.
“On behalf of BloomTU, thank you to everyone who voted,” the team wrote in a statement. “We are so honored to represent you as your 2020-2021 Temple Student Government Administration!”
“We would like to also thank ListenTU for their hard work and dedication to advocate for the student body during this campaign season,” they added. “We know that the conditions of this campaign season were unlike any other given the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Just 1.1 percent of approximately 21,600 student voters cast ballots in the two-day voting cycle Tuesday and Wednesday, down from 8.4 percent in 2019 and 13.9 percent in 2018.
The following six candidates for Parliament also secured their positions in the 30-seat legislative body:
At-large Representative – Arshadullah Shaik, neuroscience major
At-large Representative – Issa Kabeer, graduate diversity leadership student
Disability Resources and Services Representative – Jonathan Atiencia, non-matriculated film and media arts major
College of Science and Technology – April Merdon, sophomore data science major
Klein College of Media and Communication – Haajrah Gilani, freshman journalism major
Junior Representative – Jewel Thomas, sophomore political science major
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