Articles How ’emotional labor’ affects women, their relationships 10 March 2020 Magdalena Becker Emotional labor is the behind-the-scenes work women often do to take care of others.
Articles Trans women seek more inclusivity during Women’s History Month 10 March 2020 Ray Hobbs Two trans women share what Women’s History Month means to them.
Articles Temple community: Territories ‘need more of a say’ 25 February 2020 Nico Cisneros Professors and a student explain the history of U.S. territories and the impact on territory citizens.
Articles ‘Just who I am’: What it means to be queer, Caribbean 25 February 2020 Ray Hobbs Queer Caribbean students discuss anti-LGBTQ rhetoric in Caribean countries.
Articles Trinidad and Tobago Carnival celebrates ‘community’ 25 February 2020 Nico Cisneros Students from Trinidad explain the meaning of Carnival and some of its misconceptions.
Articles Students from the Caribbean transition to Temple 25 February 2020 Magdalena Becker Two students discuss why they study in America and the importance of taking care of family.
Articles First-gen int’l students face unique challenges 18 February 2020 Ray Hobbs Two students explain how cultural barriers affected their adjustment to college life.
Articles Neurodiverse first-gens find help from community 18 February 2020 Nico Cisneros First-generation students talk about how their neurodiversity impacts their college experience.
Articles The head and the heart: Dating and mental health issues 11 February 2020 Karissa Gornick A Wellness Resource Center coordinator discusses navigating mental health and relationships
Articles Event aims to break down sexual education taboo 11 February 2020 Gionna Kinchen Disability Pride Philadelphia will host a sex education event this week for people with disabilities.