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Teacher’s pet or student’s regret

The eyebrows of the students around the room rose when Cassandra Jackson, counselor coordinator for the Russell Conwell Center suggested, “Invite [your professor] over to lunch or coffee.” Seeing the students’ reactions, Jackson said, “The

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Senior official meets with labor groups

Temple University broke its longstanding neutrality in the fight between labor groups and AlliedBarton, the company contracted for campus security, when a senior university official met with the groups on Friday to discuss the security

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Glimpses at life lost and FOUND

Davy Rothbart found an angry girlfriend’s note to her boyfriend mistakenly placed on his car windshield. It was this entertaining note that inspired the creation of FOUND Magazine. Rothbart put together the first issue of

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Ratha yatra, Mexicali and magic

It’s only mid-September, but before you know it, students will be wearing heavy coats and sweaters. Until that day arrives, I’m providing outdoor things for you to do. Readers can soak up rays and breathe