Columns Learning North Philadelphia’s history contextualizes crime 14 September 2021 Julia Merola Students must recognize the historical reasons for violence in North Philadelphia neighborhoods.
Columns Anti-abortion restrictions are dangerous for Temple students 14 September 2021 Julia Merola A student argues that anti-abortion laws will negatively impact college students if they are passed.
Columns Professors, look for more affordable textbook options 09 September 2021 Stella Rodriguez A student argues that professors should try to relieve financial stress by finding affordable options for textbooks.
Columns The end is in sight, but not quite: double mask 13 April 2021 Ryan Zajdel A student argues that double masking will help limit COVID-19 transmission into the spring.
Columns Trigger warnings create a safe space for students 10 March 2021 Julia Merola A student argues professors and students should preface presenting graphic material with trigger warnings.
Columns Don’t fall for Trump’s rhetoric against Black Lives Matter 22 September 2020 Monica Mellon A student argues Black Lives Matter is a peaceful movement, despite President Donald Trump’s claims.
Columns Philly made the right call to hold off on indoor dining 22 September 2020 Camillia Benjamin Gov. Wolf expanded indoor dining state-wide on Sep. 21, but the city is holding off for now.
Columns Suicide prevention isn’t just checking on people 22 September 2020 Regina Schliep A student argues affordable housing and universal healthcare are forms of suicide prevention.
Basketball Tough loss to Villanova reflects Temple men’s basketball’s ‘Achilles heel’ 18 February 2020 Alex McGinley The Assistant Sports Editor argues Temple’s post-season mediocrity makes it difficult to attract high-level recruits.
Columns Dating apps can affect mental health, social life 11 February 2020 Meredith Haas Recent studies link excessive dating app usage with mental health issues, including social anxiety.