Commentary Legislators: close the wage gap 18 April 2017 Basia Wilson Politicians must discuss the wage gap and create legislation to help combat wage inequity.
Commentary Skywalk proposal signals exclusivity 18 April 2017 Alisa Sarasarn Islam The Fox School of Business should work to maintain inclusivity in expansion plans.
Commentary Students would benefit from recovery housing 18 April 2017 Jayna Schaffer Students struggling with addiction need a safe haven from the party atmosphere that exists at college.
Commentary Students: stay involved in local schools 11 April 2017 Alex Voisine Temple has gotten involved in GEAR UP, but sustained efforts are needed to make an educational impact.
Commentary Extend juvenile court’s jurisdiction 11 April 2017 Zachary Jacobs Young adults have not fully developed decision-making skills so they shouldn’t serve lengthy sentences.
Commentary Pell Grant cuts harm students 04 April 2017 Zari Tarazona President Trump’s proposed budget arbitrarily cuts grants for low-income students.
Commentary Pre-health majors need ‘bedside manner’ 04 April 2017 Amer Haffar Students pursuing a career in health should have to take an ethics class.
Commentary Fracking should be banned from Delaware River 04 April 2017 Luke Mottola The potential for fracking threatens the river’s water quality and could harm Philadelphians who drink it.
Commentary WalkTU offers necessary inclusivity 28 March 2017 Jenny Roberts All students need to participate in conversations about sexual assault.
Commentary Professors should be more timely with entering grades 28 March 2017 Jensen Toussaint It’s important for students to know how they are doing in a class to gauge their progress.