Commentary Students need religious education 29 November 2016 Jenny Roberts A religion Gen-Ed would help students better understand each other and society.
Commentary Gentrification contributes to ‘plunder’ in North Philly 29 November 2016 Alex Voisine The university should recognize how it exploits the surrounding community.
Commentary Japanese major needed to prepare students for TUJ 15 November 2016 Erin Yoder The university should create a Japanese major to accompany Temple’s campus abroad.
Commentary Students: understand TU Alerts 15 November 2016 Cierra Williams Students should learn how the TU Alert system works before criticizing it.
Commentary Administration: improve advising 08 November 2016 Alisa Sarasarn Islam The university should make advising more accessible and personalized for students.
Commentary Language lost in translation 08 November 2016 Siani Colón Students should use slang from other cultures respectfully.
Commentary Carbon neutrality reduces climate change 01 November 2016 Zach Kocis The university’s carbon neutral pledge is helping to protect the planet.
Commentary Flight: still a work in progress for TSG 01 November 2016 Jayna Schaffer Problems with Flight have left some students without a safe way home.
Commentary Remove marijuana from Schedule I, legalize nationally 25 October 2016 Matt Rego The drug does not meet the criteria to remain banned.
Commentary Voters: stay informed about local elections 25 October 2016 Alex Voisine The presidential election distracts voters from more important local races.