Commentary First woman nominee: not enough 06 September 2016 Zari Tarazona There needs to be more women running for office at all levels of government.
Commentary Minimum wage not meant for living 06 September 2016 Matthew Keck The Democratic Party’s platform conflates the minimum wage with the living wage.
Commentary EpiPen prices spike, consumers lose out 06 September 2016 Christian Matozzo High EpiPen prices and insufficient options to reduce these costs are hurting consumers.
Commentary OuTU important for LGBTQIA freshmen 06 September 2016 Allie Wallace The Welcome Week event provides LGBTQIA-identifying freshmen with resources to navigate college life.
Commentary Remove Rizzo, better represent the city 30 August 2016 Jaya Montague The city should remove Frank Rizzo’s statue.
Commentary New tuition plan more affordable 30 August 2016 Jenny Roberts The university has streamlined its tuition plan to stay true to its mission.
Commentary Administrators: consider smoking ban 30 August 2016 Jensen Toussaint Temple should ban smoking on campus for the health of students.
Commentary Making strides for women in STEM 10 August 2016 Melanie Rehfuss Both Philadelphia and Temple are becoming more gender inclusive in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Commentary Clinton’s tuition plan shows potential 02 August 2016 Jensen Toussaint The Democratic nominee for president unveiled a college tuition plan this summer.
Commentary A fond farewell 03 May 2016 Emily Rolen Our editor-in-chief pens a goodbye to The Temple News.