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Encouraging Dialogue

The teach-ins at Temple aren’t new and students should take advantage of open discussion. S ince 2002 the history department and the History Honors Society Phi Alpha Theta has been hosting teach-ins every Friday at

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Rebuilding Relations

The provost and the faculty need to compromise on the issue of restructuring. A s Brian Dzenis reports in “Aligning Priorities” on page 1, the Faculty Senate passed a resolution stating that it cannot support

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Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor

Dear Editor, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is faced with a difficult reality that is echoed across the nation. A combination of rising costs including those from medical care for the elderly and unions, and revenues

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Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor

Dear Editor: Today, Feb. 7 marks the 12th year of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, and it is an especially important moment in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia Department of Public Health reports that African- Americans in