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Penn State: Mixed opinions

Craig argues that Paterno’s shortcomings should be acknowledged, but so should his accomplishments. My mother texted me, “Joe Paterno is dead.” This wasn’t news to me. Television and social media had been repeatedly reminding me

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In memory

In light of Tobi Lim Sonstroem’s death, students should know that help is available. We’re still not sure why exactly Tobi Lim Sonstroem is dead. The Tyler School of Art alumnus was a talented graphic

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Movers & shakers

The Temple News takes the time to highlight those making a difference. This week is our third Movers & Shakers edition of The Temple News. Movers & Shakers is an idea that started in 2010

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Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor

Dear Editor, Throughout the world there are countries where the government dictates to businesses how to run the business, but a free United States is the last place you would expect to see it, until