Commentary Immigrants are not responsible for educating Americans about xenophobia 09 November 2021 Julia Merola A student argues that United States citizens must combat xenophobia through education.
Opinion Feeling like I was the only one responsible for climate change 09 November 2021 Julia Merola A student describes how learning about the climate crisis in a third grade class caused anxiety.
Commentary Sex education is necessary for all of Temple’s students 09 November 2021 Julia Merola A student argues that Temple should offer reoccurring sex education addressing consensual relationships.
Commentary Don’t wait for CEOs, create healthy online environments 09 November 2021 Genesis Reddicks A student argues that students should combat misinformation and harmful content online.
Columns Temple’s students need to know how to use self-defense 26 October 2021 Julia Merola A student argues that Temple should be informing students about self-defense programs.
Community Voice Voting for Philadelphia’s district attorney race is important 26 October 2021 Stella Rodriguez A student argues that Philadelphians should vote for district attorneys as they have a direct impact on the city.
Commentary Narcan training should be available to students at Temple 26 October 2021 Wendy Garcia and Julia Merola Students argue that training in administering Narcan should be available for all students.
Community Voice What it means for me to be a first-generation American 26 October 2021 Amna Faheem A student shares how coming from an immigrant family affected her self-image.
Editorials Registered voters, apply for a mail-in ballot 26 October 2021 Editorial Board The Editorial Board encourages all registered voters to apply for a mail-in ballot as a preventative measure to ensure their participation in the Philadelphia general election.
Opinion Teaching myself to stop “laughing it off” 24 October 2021 Samantha Brennan A student describes their experience with sexual harassment in the workplace.