With National Coming Out Day last week, there are plenty of ways to celebrate lifting that psychological burden from one’s chest, depending on various parental reactions.

The difficult part is over; it’s out of your hands. You’ve told it to them straight: “I’m gay.”
Now it’s time to celebrate, or if not, it’s time to drink until you forget that look on your mother’s face. Either way, you’ve put a lot thought and effort into this day. So, let us take the reins and plan your post-coming out party, no matter what your family’s reaction.
Reaction #1:
“I will love you no matter what.”
These parents accept your lifestyle, and while they may not want to dive head first into the LGBTQ community, they’re keeping an open mind.
Visit Tavern on Camac, one of the oldest gay bars in the U.S., where you can sing to the piano in the lounge or make moves on the club’s dance floor.
Dinner is eclectic as well, with starters like cinnamon apple and brie bruschetta and fiesta mac ‘n’ cheese and entrees that range frommeatloaf to half a roasted duck.
Tavern on Camac,
243 S. Camac St.,
Reaction #2:
“I already knew.”
Don’t be bummed that your news didn’t make the splash you expected, and please, don’t take this as an invitation to map out each and every rendezvous.
Your parents are pretty cool and so is Bob and Barbara’s Thursday night drag show.
If your parents kept the secret from you this long, they can wait patiently for Thursday night to celebrate alongside Miss Lisa Lisa and her girls.
Bob and Barbara’s,
1509 South St.,
Reaction #3:
“You’re going to camp.”
This ‘worst case scenario’ straight out of But I’m a Cheerleader may not be as common a reaction as it once was, but it may be your cue to book it to Canada – or Woody’s.
At Woody’s, the shots are huge, and the bartenders are hot – hot enough maybe that your counselor at sleep-away camp won’t stand a chance at “converting” you.
Woody’s Bar,
202 S. 13th St.,
Reaction #4:
“I don’t understand.”
Misunderstandings happen, and in this case, it may be up to you to bridge the gap.
Let your words marinate over Kock Restaurant and Bar’s “filet di knock” or its grilled flat bread with lobster and brie.
Dim candlelight helps mask a good portion of the blushing that may ensue, or maybe Mom will blame it on her fifth martini.
Knock Restaurant and Bar,
225 S. 12th St.,
Nikki Volpicelli can be reached at nicole.volpicelli@temple.edu.
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