Keep investing off campus

The Editorial Board commends students for trying to address the problems off campus.

This semester, the Good Neighbor Committee, Division of Student Affairs and the Office of Sustainability launched Owls on the Block, a fellowship program that will pay five students a $1,000 stipend for the semester to do 2-5 hours a week of community engagement, trash reduction and peer education on their off-campus blocks.

Fellows will organize block cleanups and collaborate with the city’s Streets Department to create a litter index, and students are also expected to build positive relationships with their neighbors.

Sporadic volunteer block clean-ups aren’t enough to keep North Philadelphia clean of trash. This community needs sustained work to improve an issue affecting residents.

The Editorial Board commends Temple’s continued investment in cleaning trash, which is often created by its own students, from surrounding neighborhoods. Putting an on-going solution in place shows Temple cares for the look of the neighborhood and so should students. 

We also appreciate student fellows for taking leadership on their blocks and connecting with their community.

Temple should continue to invest in this program so more students on different blocks can get involved.

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