Election Day, Nov. 3, is less than one month away, and the deadline to register to vote is rapidly approaching on Oct. 19.
The Editorial Board cannot overstate the importance of making a plan to vote in the general election this November. We believe voting to be a democratic responsibility, and we encourage all who are able to exercise their voice in this year’s monumental election.
With the deadline for voter registration approaching, Temple University students should register to vote if they haven’t already and make an intentional and informed plan for how they will cast their ballot.
Students may register to vote by filling out a voter registration form online or filling out a paper form and sending it to their county elections office. Students may also register to vote in person at one of the city’s seven satellite election offices, which includes the Liacouras Center on Broad Street near Montgomery Avenue. Students can also request, fill out and return their mail-in ballots.
To apply for a mail-in ballot, students should either fill out an application online if they have a Pennsylvania driver’s license or PennDot ID or should mail a paper application to their local county board of elections. If a student plans to be out of their voting municipality on Election Day or has a disability or illness, they should request an absentee ballot, which will require a valid reason for requesting the ballot. Any qualified voter may request a mail-in ballot and does not need to provide a reason for requesting this ballot.
All applications for mail-in ballots need to be received by county elections offices by 5 p.m. on Oct. 27. Election Day is the deadline for turning in ballots.
Regardless of how you choose to vote, the Editorial Board would like to stress the importance of registering to vote and making a plan to vote on time and early if possible.
The Editorial Board also encourages our readers to watch the upcoming presidential debates on Oct. 15 and Oct. 22, as well as the vice presidential debate on Oct. 7, and inform themselves on where candidates stand on the issues.
Millennials and some members of Generation Z comprise 37 percent of eligible voters this year, NPR reported. Our voices will have a consequential impact on the outcome of this election.
This election will have far-reaching effects on our lives for the next four years, which is particularly important with COVID-19 continuing to transform the nation.
Vote early if you can, vote however is easiest for you, but no matter your residency, we call on you to vote.
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