Philadelphians gather from across the city to protest the acts of violence committed in Charlottesville, VA this past weekend. Protesters gathered in Thomas Paine Plaza near City Hall on Sunday, August 13. AMELIA BURNS FOR
Philadelphians gather from across the city to protest the acts of violence committed in Charlottesville, VA this past weekend. Protesters gathered in Thomas Paine Plaza near City Hall on Sunday, August 13. AMELIA BURNS FOR THE TEMPLE NEWS
Philadelphians gather from across the city to protest the acts of violence committed in Charlottesville, VA this past weekend. Protesters gathered in Thomas Paine Plaza near City Hall on Sunday, August 13. AMELIA BURNS FOR THE TEMPLE NEWS
Jessica Galletta is showing a public demonstration of the dangers of white silence in acts of racism at the vigil at Thomas Paine Plaza on Sunday, August 13. AMELIA BURNS FOR THE TEMPLE NEWS
Philadelphians gather from across the city to protest the acts of violence committed in Charlottesville, VA this past weekend. Protesters gathered in Thomas Paine Plaza near City Hall on Sunday, August 13. AMELIA BURNS FOR THE TEMPLE NEWS
Philadelphians gather from across the city to protest the acts of violence committed in Charlottesville, VA this past weekend. Protesters gathered in Thomas Paine Plaza near City Hall on Sunday, August 13. AMELIA BURNS FOR THE TEMPLE NEWS
Stephanie Batter (left) and Temple Alumna Shannon McDevitt (right) hold signs at a vigil in response to the Charlottesville, Virginia at Thomas Paine Plaza near City Hall on August 13. AMELIA BURNS FOR THE TEMPLE NEWS
Philadelphians gather from across the city to protest the acts of violence committed in Charlottesville, VA this past weekend. Protesters gathered in Thomas Paine Plaza near City Hall on Sunday, August 13. AMELIA BURNS FOR THE TEMPLE NEWS
In preparation for the vigil, protesters in made their own signs in Thomas Paine Plaza on Sunday, August 13. A “Philly Loves Everyone” sign remained on the stage as attendees lit candles. AMELIA BURNS FOR THE TEMPLE NEWS
Philadelphians gather from across the city to protest the acts of violence committed in Charlottesville, VA this past weekend. Protesters gathered in Thomas Paine Plaza near City Hall on Sunday, August 13. AMELIA BURNS FOR THE TEMPLE NEWS
Philadelphians gather from across the city to protest the acts of violence committed in Charlottesville, VA this past weekend. Protesters gathered in Thomas Paine Plaza near City Hall on Sunday, August 13. AMELIA BURNS FOR THE TEMPLE NEWS
The vigil stood against hate and lit candles on a stage at Thomas Paine Plaza near City Hall on Sunday, August 13. Supporters gathered around to listen to the speakers speakers. AMELIA BURNS FOR THE TEMPLE NEWS
Asa Khalif (center stage), leader of the Philadelphia Black Lives Matter movement, spoke to the crowd with a gospel style song during the vigil. Khalif called the song, “Trump, We’re Going to Tear Your Kingdom Down,” which was performed in Thomas Paine Plaza on Sunday night, August 13.
Philadelphians gather from across the city to protest the acts of violence committed in Charlottesville, VA this past weekend. Protesters gathered in Thomas Paine Plaza near City Hall on Sunday, August 13. AMELIA BURNS FOR THE TEMPLE NEWS
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