Phillies’ tough Game 3 loss doesn’t phase Halloween partiers

Part three of a multi-part series. With Halloween and Game 3 of the World Series falling on the same night, Saturday proved to be horrifying for more reasons than one — for most it was

Part three of a multi-part series.

With Halloween and Game 3 of the World Series falling on the same night, Saturday proved to be horrifying for more reasons than one — for most it was the blood-smeared zombies skulking around the city, and for the remaining few it was the Phillies’ crushing second defeat in the Series.
Many college students opted to follow the game from a house party rather than the usual bar or pub so as to celebrate the holiday in costume with friends.
At one such party in University City, students from both Temple and Drexel came with the intention of watching or listening to the game while drinking and dancing.
Unfortunately most were easily deterred – come 1 a.m. no one knew the final score of the baseball game.
“Let me call my dad and find out,” said one Temple partier.
Upon confirming the Yankees 8-5 victory over the Phillies, there was a moment of silence to recognize the loss.
On the other side of town, South Street was still packed with pirates and Lady Gagas until after 3 a.m. Here, too, few seemed affected by the Phillies loss.
At Lorenzo’s Pizza, one overzealous Yankees fan began a “Let’s go Yankees” chant. Surprisingly, only one person came the Phillies’ defense and shouted back, the rest were unfazed, more concerned with consuming their pizza.
It seemed as though this Halloween, the candy, costumes and games trumped fan-hood, for Philadelphia’s twenty-somethings, at least.
Phillies fans have another chance to get their act together in time to cheer on their team for Sunday night’s Game Four.
Michelle Provencher can be reached at

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