Paul-Winston Cange doesn’t consider himself a fashionable individual. It’s obvious upon meeting him, however, that he knows a thing or two about style. The junior political science major sat down with The Temple News to talk a little about his personal style.
The Temple News: How would you describe your style?
Paul-Winston Cange: More casual. I never really dress down. I keep it casual, but cool at the same time.
TTN: What are your staple clothing items?
PWC: I like to wear dress shirts all the time. And khakis – all the time.
TTN: What stores do you like to shop at?
PWC: I work at Express, so I shop there. I like Gap, H&M, Banana Republic, those types of stores.
TTN: Do you like working at Express?
PWC: Yeah, I mean, I like all the clothes there. And working there teaches me things about style, so that’s nice.
TTN: Do you have a fashion icon or someone whose style you’re inspired by?
PWC: Not really. But my little brother is into fashion, so I’m inspired by him.
TTN: Do you have any fashion tips for students?
PWC: Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. You don’t have to conform to everyone else’s style, just wear whatever you like.
TTN: What trends are you looking forward to this fall?
PWC: I like layering sweaters and cardigans. I also like shoes, boots and all that stuff.
TTN: Where is your outfit from today?
PWC: My shirt and pants are from Express, and my Vans are from Journeys.
Melonee Rembert can be reached at melonee.rembert@temple.edu.
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