News Here’s what the Pennsylvania U.S Senate race means for abortion rights 22 October 2024 Nurbanu Sahin If elected, Bob Casey hopes to implement more abortion protection laws while Dave McCormick wants to leave the decision to the states.
News Here’s what you need to know about Pennsylvania’s U.S Senate Race 22 October 2024 Nurbanu Sahin Bob Casey and Dave McCormick are running for the U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania alongside three third-party candidates.
elections Poll: Temple students are voting blue this election season 08 November 2022 Rachel Townsend The Temple News surveyed roughly 120 Temple students to find out their voting preferences for this election.
The Essayist You can be a Catholic and a Democrat 22 October 2020 Allison Nikles A student discusses how her family’s Democratic values were not compromised by their Catholic faith.
Commentary Kamala Harris’ nomination is a double-edged sword 15 September 2020 Rachel Berson Joe Biden choosing Kamala Harris as his running mate is a progressive, yet controversial move in the wake of civil unrest around police brutality.
Commentary Black voters: Don’t depend on the Democrats 29 October 2019 Alvira Bonsu The Democratic Party historically ignores Black people through ineffective, anti-Black policies.
Commentary Mobilize for real issues, not just against Donald Trump 27 August 2019 Alvira Bonsu People should demand leaders that offer solutions rather than those relying on anti-Trump rhetoric.
elections Democrats representing constituents near Temple’s Main Campus win all contests 07 November 2018 Hal Conte Students watched the midterm election results come in at an event hosted by Temple’s Political Science Society on Tuesday.
Community Democratic campaigns open office near Broad 18 September 2018 Pavlína Černá Reelection campaigns for Gov. Tom Wolf and Sen. Bob Casey work from the office.
Uncategorized Narrow Change 06 April 2010 Editorial Board The health care bill is only a small step in the right direction.