Commentary Take steps toward sustainability, ditch plastic bags 27 August 2019 Christina Mitchell A Philadelphia City Council bill banning plastic bags could eliminate waste and combat climate change.
Editorials Temple: Sustain climate action 23 April 2019 Editorial Board The Editorial Board commends Temple for recognizing its environmental impact and updating its policies
Around Campus Students, Office of Sustainability work toward zero waste 04 October 2018 Bibiana Correa The zero-waste movement aims to eliminate the garbage people produce. Rabia King and Andie Corno try to reduce their output instead.
Editorials Improving green efforts 31 October 2017 Editorial Board Aramark, Temple’s food service provider, will help the university meet its sustainability goals.
Commentary Say ‘no’ to plastic straws 24 October 2017 Monica Mellon Temple should ban plastic straws, which are harmful to the environment.
Opinion Combating my environmental worry 24 October 2017 Basia Wilson A student finally finds a term for her fears about the deteriorating environment.
alumni Alumnus bikes Philadelphia to deliver and pick up compost 26 September 2017 Amanda Lien A real estate and marketing alumnus picks up and delivers compost containers in the city.
Opinion Fighting to end throw-away culture 29 August 2017 Chelsea Williams A student reflects on her quest to decrease waste in her own life and at her job.
Commentary Fracking should be banned from Delaware River 04 April 2017 Luke Mottola The potential for fracking threatens the river’s water quality and could harm Philadelphians who drink it.
Commentary The future of the planet lies in the hands of students 31 January 2017 Ruth Oshlag The university has done its part to act in environmentally conscious ways — now it’s students’ turn.