News Here’s what the Pennsylvania U.S Senate race means for abortion rights 22 October 2024 Nurbanu Sahin If elected, Bob Casey hopes to implement more abortion protection laws while Dave McCormick wants to leave the decision to the states.
News Here’s what you need to know about Pennsylvania’s U.S Senate Race 22 October 2024 Nurbanu Sahin Bob Casey and Dave McCormick are running for the U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania alongside three third-party candidates.
Commentary Republicans are hypocrites for filling Justice seat so soon 26 October 2020 Madison Seitchik A student argues it is hypocritical for Republicans to fill Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat just days before the election.
elections Democrats representing constituents near Temple’s Main Campus win all contests 07 November 2018 Hal Conte Students watched the midterm election results come in at an event hosted by Temple’s Political Science Society on Tuesday.
News Republican group hosts gay leader 04 May 2010 Jimmy LaSalvia, who runs gay conservative group GOProud, attended a College Republicans event to debate and discuss the future of gays in the GOP.
Commentary Community Visions: Republican suit shows disrespect 28 October 2008 Elections can get nasty. No one denies that. But at what point do we step back and say “this is too much”? All the half-truths and vicious rumors spread in an election campaign are certainly
News Democrats and Republicans square up in a debate 24 October 2008 Nearly a hundred attendees gathered at the Student Center on Monday to watch Temple’s Democrats and Republicans debate.