Today the world sees black
Today the world picks up a crying Black girl
by her braids and drags her through the street
Instead of pain, her body decides to be:
A goodbye kiss
A wedding train of silk over
A flower petal over pond water
Today all the streets are renamed every color but black
Another murder on red
Another protest along yellow
Another girl last seen on fuchsia
Today the world took back all its language
Claimed not one God or one country
Remade itself a spiral
laughed at how we all thought we were brilliant once
A girl wakes on this new
nobody land and finally understands the world’s choice
in its divorce from circular infinity
Today the world calls itself a disaster and nobody cares
Nobody calls its mother and tells her
her child gave up on itself today
Today the world sits in a starving neighborhood’s classroom
and learns nothing
Today the world goes hungry and we satirize its skeleton
Pick over its carcass like flies and wear its bones as jewelry
Today the world says it hates itself and a generation of black kiss their teeth
Today the world sees a rainbow and mistakes it for unity
Confuses a family for pawns and their home for a war-torn chess board
Forgets to name its oceans bridges and its borders irrelevant
Today the world converts itself into a book the height of the sky
Every turn of the page the same black
Bolded words
It hurts
It hurts
It hurts
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