In front of a packed open house event at its office in Room 244 in the Student Center Thursday afternoon, Temple Student Government unveiled its new website, logo and promotion video for the 2015-16 school year.
Student Body President Ryan Rinaldi said updating the organization’s website was obvious for several reasons.
“With the Internet being used for just about anything these days, we needed something new and up-to-date to keep students informed,” Rinaldi said. “But it also needed to reflect the class of the organization.”
The website was created by Philamedia, the same group who created the team’s Future TU website when it campaigned in March.
Rinaldi said the same ideas used in designing the website were applied to TSG’s new logo.
“We decided that as Temple Owls, there needed to be some type of Owl in there,” he said of the logo. “That’s something that invokes the pride of being a Temple Owl … so we wanted it to be something simple, sleek and professional.”
Ben Palestino, the team’s executive communications director, said TSG partnered with Temple Advertising Club to create the new logo. A contest was held between the team’s graphic designer, Sierra Mergliano, and TAC in designing the final product, he said. He added the logo that was picked was a combination of what Mergliano and TAC created.
“We put a little bit of edits on it, and spiced it up a little bit,” he said. “But it’s a great composition that we have with TAC and our own graphic designer.”
The website features the logo on its home page, along with TSG’s social media feeds and information about multiple members of TSG as users scroll down the page.
Palestino said engaging with students via social media will continue to be important, including TSG’s Snapchat account, which was recently relaunched.
“It will maybe give students a behind-the-scenes look of Temple Student Government, but also in ways of promoting events,” he said. “Students go on social media all the time, every day, so it’s kind of become a part of our lives. With the more followers that we get on Twitter and Instagram and Snapchat, it’s more of a way to show students what we’re doing and to listen to their opinions.”
Along with the new website and logo, TSG created a new video to showcase what the team hopes to accomplish this academic year. The video highlights the importance of each individual student’s voice, along with the nine committees involved in weekly General Assembly meetings. The video concludes with the new logo, along with TSG’s slogan: Serve, Unite, Build.
Director of Student Activities Chris Carey said working with the new TSG team during the start to the semester has been great, and was impressed with the new logo, website and video. He added he expects the team to continue working hard throughout the academic year.
“It’s not just about campaigning and getting the role,” Carey said. “It’s continuing to listen to students, finding out what the issues are that need improvement, and being effective in their roles.”
Steve Bohnel can be reached at steve.bohnel@temple.edu or on Twitter @Steve_Bohnel.
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