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Letter to the Editor

I am writing because I was disgusted after reading Nicole D’Andrea’s article about affirmative action, not because it was pro-affirmative action, but because it was full of rhetoric and propaganda. Ms. D’Andrea wrote that even

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Iraq or bust

By passing off speculation as fact, President George W. Bush deceived most of the American public with his State of the Union Address. We can all sleep soundly knowing that the United States “possibly” has

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Simple Winter Warmers

Even when the heater is cranking, there’s nothing quite like a bowl of steaming soup to warm the insides. With just 35 minutes, even the kitchen-fearing student, can create a homemade soup that rivals mom’s

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Sex column

Joseph Christian International Business 267-939-7658 Dear Editor, Just when I thought Temple News wouldn’t go any lower they did by adding a sex columnist like so many other college newspapers to try increase their