Features Computer center relocated 09 February 2016 Alexis Rogers The Computer Recycling Center re-opened in Pearson Hall last Tuesday.
Features Weather displaces practicing club teams 09 February 2016 Tsipora Hacker There is limited indoor practice space for club teams during the winter.
Features Eateries open on campus 09 February 2016 Alexa Bricker Crisp Kitchen opened last Tuesday and Blaze Pizza will open Thursday.
Students reach out with arts education 09 February 2016 Keeland Bowers Artists Striving to End Poverty will visit public schools once a week.
Features Alumnus aiding Flint 09 February 2016 Paula Davis Rob Lawton drove 60,000 water bottles to the city.
Multimedia Leo Sheng, Director of Extreme Philly Fishing 08 February 2016 Aaron Windhorst and Aaron Windhorst
BOT approves $1 million for football stadium design, impact study 08 February 2016 Joe Brandt A public meeting in Sullivan Hall was surrounded by protesters against the building of an on-campus football stadium.
Breaking News University employee, 64, found dead on ninth floor of Gladfelter Hall 08 February 2016 Steve Bohnel The chair of the history department said she was the “nerve center” of the department.