community Philly students to receive sports, health programs in collaboration with Temple 11 February 2020 Bibiana Correa Temple is now a part of a partnership to support sports education for local middle schoolers.
community Honoring MLK’s legacy at Temple, in Philadelphia 21 January 2020 Asa Cadwallader The reverend spoke to a crowd in what’s now the Temple Performing Arts Center 55 years ago.
community Temple, North Philly residents read MLK speech to remember ‘what King lived, fought and died for.’ 20 January 2020 Miles Wall Volunteers gathered at Berean Presbyterian Church to read “I Have A Dream” and participated in community service projects.
community Temple alumna teaches North Philly students Black art history 12 November 2019 Bibiana Correa Patricia Thomas bases her teaching on strengthening students’ pride in Black heritage.
community Temple student seeks to better represent formerly enslaved woman 22 October 2019 Asa Cadwallader The monument will better represent the life of Dinah, a formerly enslaved woman.
community College of Public Health opens nurse-run clinic 08 October 2019 Emma Padner Temple opened the Vaux Community Healthcare Clinic in Sharswood last month.
community North Philly workforce initiative at Temple receives $2.6-million donation 01 October 2019 Asa Cadwallader Temple academic departments and community organizations partner to boost employment.
community Temple student fellowship program tackles off-campus litter 24 September 2019 Asa Cadwallader A new fellowship program will have students pick up trash on their blocks and talk to residents.