Commentary Diet culture promotes dangerous relationship with food 26 March 2020 Brittany Valentine Trendy diets reinforce a morality narrative around food that can lead to an increased risk of developing an eating disorder.
Commentary Trump’s delayed response to COVID-19 left country unprepared 25 March 2020 Christina Mitchell If the President had seriously responded to the outbreak of COVID-19 earlier this year, the United States would have been more prepared in testing before the pandemic spread.
Commentary Temple University should offer students partial tuition reimbursement 24 March 2020 Tyler Perez As classes move online in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, quality of instruction is declining and students deserve fair reimbursement.
Commentary New denaturalization office is threat for immigrants 21 March 2020 Pavlína Černá The U.S. Department of Justice announced the creation of an office dedicated to denaturalizing immigrants.
Opinion ‘BoJack Horseman’: A writer’s inspiration 20 March 2020 Tyler Perez A student shares how one animated show challenged their ideas about how stories can be told.
Commentary Social distancing is an ethical responsibility 19 March 2020 Pavlína Černá As confirmed cases of COVID-19 increase, social distancing is a historically proven means of limiting the spread of infection.
Opinion My body is mine: It isn’t a toy 18 March 2020 Antonia Leao A student details feelings of powerlessness after experiencing sexual harassment over spring break.
Commentary Aramark: Commit to significant reduction in greenhouse gases 17 March 2020 Tyler Perez Temple University’s on-campus food provider has only made small commitments to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.
CORONAVIRUS Letter from the Editor: The Temple News to stop printing amid COVID-19 outbreak 12 March 2020 Kelly Brennan The Temple News will suspend printing but will continue to produce the same quality and quantity of content online.
Commentary Supreme Court: Support LGBTQ foster parents 10 March 2020 Tyler Perez A Philadelphia foster care agency refuses to place children with qualified, same-sex couples.