LGBTQ Temple LGBTQ student orgs cope with losing their safe spaces on campus 31 March 2020 Ray Hobbs Amid the university’s shift to online learning and event cancellations, LGBTQ students try to stay connected and support each other from afar.
Technology Date rape prevention tech works to help halt sexual assault 24 March 2020 Magdalena Becker Product makers and student advocates discuss date rape prevention products working to combat sexual assault.
Commentary Temple University should offer students partial tuition reimbursement 24 March 2020 Tyler Perez As classes move online in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, quality of instruction is declining and students deserve fair reimbursement.
Commentary Erasing student debt could benefit Pennsylvania 28 January 2020 Abbey Helterbran Pennsylvania has one of the highest rates of average student debt in the country.
Opinion Injured, but never broken 01 December 2019 Jayna Schaffer A former cheerleader recounts experiencing and overcoming an ankle injury.
Opinion Don’t ‘fret’ about picking up a new instrument 12 November 2019 Christina Mitchell A student proves it’s never too late to start a new instrument even with no prior experience.
Articles Temple students find gap year beneficial to growth 05 November 2019 Zillah Elcin Before coming to Temple, some students took a break after high school to travel and work.
Articles Taking a gap year and learning the power of love 05 November 2019 Theodora Veronis After high school, a student volunteered in Uganda, where she learned what it means to love.
Commentary New FAFSA changes harm those most in need 22 October 2019 Tyler Perez Recent tax changes complicate the financial aid application process, meaning higher error risks.
Personal Essays Showcasing women in leadership at Temple University 27 August 2019 Alesia Bani The Intersection editors focus on representing women in higher education at Temple for Women’s Equality Day.