Commentary The black hole photo is a milestone for women in STEM 16 April 2019 Christina Mitchell Katie Bouman captured the first image of a black hole, and we should all be proud of her.
Personal Essays Running the red lights in my work as a woman sportswriter 16 April 2019 Maura Razanauskas The women’s basketball beat reporter writes about the sexism she’s experienced while writing for The Temple News.
Commentary Respect others, master correct pronoun usage 12 March 2019 Brittany Valentine Because gender is inescapable in our daily lives, tailor your language to fit others’ identities.
Opinion A man to put away 19 February 2019 Grace Shallow A student tells a story about visiting a city courthouse months after she filed a sexual assault report with police.
Commentary The power in sharing coming-out stories 19 February 2019 Brittany Valentine When celebrities come out as part of the LGBTQ community, it inspires others to be proud of who they are, too.
Commentary Transgender people deserve the right to fight 05 February 2019 Brittany Valentine President Donald Trump shouldn’t stop transgender people from joining the military.
Opinion Where would we be without RBG? 29 January 2019 Brittany Valentine A student reflects on her appreciation for United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Commentary Cyntoia Brown: Finding justice 15 years too late 22 January 2019 Brittany Valentine We should have sympathy for Cyntoia Brown, a victim of juvenile sex trafficking, and speak up for women of color.
Letters to the Editor Letter: Cherry Pantry should be commended for introducing feminine hygiene products 09 October 2018 Letter A former lead columnist appreciates the Cherry Pantry’s effort to help students obtain tampons.
Commentary #MeToo includes restaurant workers, too 02 October 2018 Tyler Perez The restaurant industry needs to enact large change to its rape culture, and men can help make those changes happen.