Campus Temple announces results of Fall scheduling survey 17 January 2024 Oliver Sabo The Fall semester schedule will remain unchanged following more than 11,000 student and faculty responses.
Around Campus Students determine Fall 2024 schedule through poll 12 December 2023 Anna Augustine The poll comes after a year-long effort from Owls Out for Democracy, a group of students working to attain Election Day off for all students.
Athletic Department AAC plans for all fall sports to play regular seasons 06 August 2020 Isabella DiAmore The AAC will include a regular season for fall sports and allow non-conference games at team’s discretion.
Around Campus Students skip meals to make time for classwork 11 October 2018 Madison Pitel Busy schedules for students like Dani Kalouche often have them choosing work over eating enough meals throughout the day.
Men's Basketball Dunphy ready for “learning year” 28 June 2013 Avery Maehrer Playing a tough schedule a part of program’s philosophy.