Updated at 3:14 PM.
There are two students on campus who have tested positive for COVID-19, according to Temple University’s new COVID-19 tracking dashboard.
An on-campus student or employee case designates a person related to Temple who was “in a Temple facility during the time they were infectious,” according to the dashboard. The university dashboard also defined an active COVID-19 case as “any individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 and is currently in isolation because they have not yet met CDC criteria for system-based recovery.”
The dashboard lists information from Temple Health Labs and the Temple University Student and Employee Health Services Electronic Medical record, which updates the site regularly, according to the dashboard. It reports cases at Temple’s Philadelphia region campuses only, including Main Campus, Ambler Campus, Health Sciences Center, School of Podiatric Medicine and Temple University Center City.
The dashboard will also report off-campus cases of individuals who are related to Temple and live nearby one of Temple’s campuses, “but are not known to have been in a campus facility during the time they were infectious,” according to the dashboard.
Non-campus cases will be reported as those in the Temple community but who are working or studying remotely, according to the dashboard.
All students moving into on campus housing are required to be tested for COVID-19 at the Aramark STAR Complex upon arrival, The Temple News reported. Students who test positive will be asked to return home or self isolate in university housing for at least 10 days.
Temple will launch its own on campus testing center on Cecil B. Moore Avenue, The Temple News reported. The university plans to test all symptomatic and some asymptotic students.
the Big Ass Business of Making money in College Makes me really sick!!! Temple is and has a History of GREATNESS!!!! SUCKS down to the ROOT EVILS OF CAPITALISM . This great College Which I Myself, my Wife , And dad Pay 22,000.00 PLus a year so my Daughter can get a Quality Education at TEMPLE. THe CEO / DEAN the boss Decides he needs the CASH! not the LIVES OF OUR KIDS! In REALTY, WHATS PAUSING ONE DAMN YEAR for the GAMBLING OF OVER 38,000. Young LIVES ????????? The Administration SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES !
Read this well.
The college should be demonstrating innovation and leadership during this time, not giving a public projection of hunger and greed.
Going forward with classes contradicts mostly everything I learned at and about Temple University.
Stop trying to play around with this and do not pretend that anything other than keeping students remote is the right thing to do.