Temple University will issue pro-rated refunds to students who paid for on-campus meal plans and parking passes for the spring 2020 semester amid Temple’s decision to move to online-only classes over COVID-19 concerns, said Ray Betzner, a spokesman for the university.
The rebates will be issued from the last day the student used their meal plan or parking pass to the end of the spring semester, Betzner said.
The university will also be issuing pro-rated refunds to students moving out of on-campus housing beginning March 21, the date by which students should vacate on-campus residence, The Temple News reported.
The date when the meal plan and parking pass refunds will begin being issued and the method that will be used to allocate them are still in the works, Betzner said.
“[Students] have been very concerned about these payments they’ve made, and how the university was going to deal with them, so we wanted to make sure that they knew ‘Yes you are going to get the unused portion of those payments rebated back to you,” Betzner added. “The exact methodology and the timing of it, we’re still working through.”
Students should expect to hear more information about meal plan and parking refunds from the university once more details are sorted out, Betzner said.
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