Dear editor, Former Democratic Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill once quipped that “all politics is local.” He was correct in his assessment, yet city elections continually go unnoticed. Only 10 percent of Philadelphia’s registered
Dear editor, Nov. 3 will mark not just another municipal election for the city of Philadelphia or the Democratic Party, but will determine the direction in which Philadelphia and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will move.
Barb Brown,RN on an article reporting TUHS allegedly overcharged patients on Oct. 27 at 4:07 p.m. Thank you Valerie, for your insightful article which serves to hold a mirror up in front of the Temple
Restaurant patrons choosing to dine out should be mindful of their tipping amounts, as servers depend on more than a small hourly rate to support themselves.
Almost a year ago today, on Nov. 4, 2008, we made history. Young people showed up to the polls in record numbers across the country and on Main Campus to elect Barack Obama and prove that we wanted change in America.
While the Phillies’ wins in the last two years have rejuvenated the city, fans’ reactions to engage in risky behavior afterward are neither safe nor ideal.