community Senior raises awareness about Church of the Advocate 15 March 2022 Eden MacDougall Tyler Ray wants to preserve the building and the church’s legacy of social justice.
community Former Eagles player publishes book with Temple press 25 January 2022 Eden MacDougall Brian Westbrook and Lesley Van Arsdall teamed up to write a children’s book.
community Temple students bridge gap with residents in new exhibit 28 September 2021 Kristine Chin The Neighbors of North Philly exhibit showcases connections between residents and students.
community Residents fight to keep community garden 24 September 2021 Rosie Leonard Sunflower Philly helps support and advocate for Uber St. Garden by hosting community cleanup events
community Diamond Scholar investigates oak sapling growth 31 August 2021 Matthew Aquino Temple junior Chloe Gehret is conducting analysis on red oaks at the Ambler Field Station.
community Green Team 27 April 2021 Colleen Claggett A neighborhood association in Fishtown hosted an Earth Day celebration on Saturday.
community North Central residents share post vaccination feelings, plans 27 April 2021 Emma Padner and Natalie Kerr After getting vaccinated, residents are remaining cautious when seeing family and friends.
community Local high school students selected as Cecil. B Moore Scholars 30 March 2021 Natalie Kerr Cecil B. Moore Scholarship recipients will take a summer course before attending Temple this fall.
community Soca shines at small bookstore 16 March 2021 Matt Murray and Courtney Regan On Saturday, Harriett’s Bookshop hosted the Soca Sidewalk Sale in honor of their one-year anniversary of opening.
community Giving back to each other 02 March 2021 Colleen Claggett Two entrepreneurs from New Jersey hosted a pop-up shop in North Central for small businesses.