Commentary Students need a policy for on-campus medical marijuana 17 April 2018 Monica Mellon Students with a medical need for marijuana should be able to access it on Main Campus.
Commentary The SAT shouldn’t stifle divergent thinkers 17 April 2018 Rachel Berson The SAT should be adjusted to acknowledge unconventional forms of intellect.
Commentary Marijuana: illegal for some, celebrated for others 17 April 2018 Diana Cristancho We need to stop putting people of color in jail for using marijuana.
Commentary ‘Black Mirror’ scenarios are disturbing, but relevant 03 April 2018 Diana Cristancho The futuristic series can warn of the potential dangers of advanced technology.
Commentary ‘Love, Simon’ offers vital LGBTQ representation 03 April 2018 Siani Colón The romantic comedy featuring a gay lead is groundbreaking, and more movies should feature LGBTQ main characters.
Commentary Don’t silence student protests 27 March 2018 Rachel Berson Preventing students from peacefully protesting is unconstitutional and dangerous.
Commentary Representation in Barbies a positive step for feminsim 27 March 2018 Joy Cato The new collection of dolls will educate and motivate the young girls who play with them.
Commentary Letter: Greek Life is elitist 27 March 2018 Letter A student is concerned about the inclusivity of Greek life.
Commentary Stand up to puppy mills by adopting your pets 20 March 2018 Monica Mellon Adopting animals from shelters can improve your life and theirs, while challenging unethical breeding practices.
Commentary Professors should stop setting the tone for class discussion 20 March 2018 Joshua Victor When professors are opinionated, students in their classes might feel that their own opinions are wrong.