Liacouras Center accepts first patient

The multipurpose facility has been turned into as a makeshift hospital for COVID-19 patients.

Hospital beds line the floor of the Liacouras Center on March 30. | JEREMY ELVAS / THE TEMPLE NEWS

Temple University’s Liacouras Center, which has been transformed into a makeshift overflow hospital for COVID-19 patients in the final days of their recovery, accepted its first patient today, said Brian Abernathy, the city’s managing director, at the city’s daily virtual press briefing.

The city would not release additional details about the patient.

The center was prepared to accept patients as early as last Thursday, The Temple News reported, though city officials hoped it would never have to be used

Despite a decrease in reported new cases of COVID-19 and deaths, hospitalizations have increased to 923 in Philadelphia hospitals and 1,737 in the southeast Pennsylvania region, said Health Commissioner Thomas Farley.

The university is offering Temple University Hospital staff and others who are working at the Liacouras Center housing accommodations, President Richard Englert announced in an email to the Temple community last week.

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