Community Temple student dies after sustaining critical injuries during weekend 28 January 2025 Nurbanu Sahin The university encourages students to seek Tuttleman Counseling Services for support.
Campus Delta Chi Psi holds vigil for Ryan Tran 30 April 2019 Colin Evans About 200 Greek life members, students, friends and family gathered at the Bell Tower on Monday evening to share memories of Tran.
News Friends, family raise $7,000 for sophomore who died Saturday 27 April 2019 Greta Anderson The university announced on Saturday afternoon that Ryan Tran died earlier that morning.
Campus University holds fourth annual vigil to honor lost lives in Temple community 09 April 2019 Dylan Long The CTC Wellness Foundation, named for Christian Ciammetti, a student who died in 2015, organized the vigil.
Editorials Remember, honor Jenna’s life 15 January 2019 Editorial Board The Editorial Board encourages students to donate to Jenna’s Blessing Bags to honor her life.
Editorials Celebrate, but remember 08 May 2018 Editorial Board While commencement is an exciting time, the Temple community must not forget the students who didn’t make it to graduation day.
Breaking News Temple student shot to death in off-campus apartment 06 May 2018 Gillian McGoldrick Daniel Duignam, a third-year Fox School of Business student, was found dead from gunshot wounds in his off-campus apartment on Diamond Street near 17th.
News The ripple effect of student death 05 December 2017 Michaela Winberg When students die, how does the university respond, and how do loved ones grieve?
Editorials Temple needs to respond to substance use 05 December 2017 Editorial Board The death of two students as a result of substance use is a clear indicator that Temple is not immune to the statewide epidemic.
News Student confirmed dead after being found in Paley Library Monday 29 November 2017 Julie Christie Officials do not suspect foul play.