Temple University will administer free COVID-19 tests to students planning to leave campus for fall break in Mitten Hall from Nov. 16 through Nov. 20 in preparation for the end of in-person instruction on Nov. 20, Mark Denys, director of Student Health Services, announced Monday afternoon.
Students tested at the Mitten Hall testing center will receive their results the same day, according to the announcement.
Students who test positive at the Mitten Hall testing center will be directed to go to the testing center under Morgan Hall for further testing, Denys wrote. Temple will provide instructions to anyone who tests positive for how to isolate and will identify those they came into close contact with, according to the announcement.
Temple will email students later this week with instructions for scheduling a testing appointment. The university recommends students who have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 90 days and have completed an isolation period should not be tested again, according to the announcement.
Students who plan to travel for fall break should avoid any in-person gatherings with people outside of their households and should self-quarantine during the two weeks before their departure, Denys wrote. Students who plan to return to Philadelphia after traveling for fall break should quarantine for 14 days upon arriving, according to the announcement.
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