Lawrence Ukenye

Lawrence Ukenye is the editor-in-chief of The Temple News and a junior journalism and political science major.
“I hope that we continue to be adversarial in the sense that, like, we take on a lot of topics that other outlets on campus don’t really focus on, like administration, the university’s budget, just stuff that like affects us but people don’t really think of right away, because it gets really like hard to look into,” Ukenye said.
Amelia Winger

Amelia Winger is the digital managing editor for The Temple News and a senior journalism and political science major.
“We should continue to hold ourselves accountable to filling in the information gaps in the community, and make sure that we really prioritize putting the community first, both Temple’s campus and in North Central,” Winger said.
Jack Danz

Jack Danz is the print managing editor for The Temple News and a senior journalism major.
“I would really like for like section editors to be able to confidently pass down their relationships with sources in and around the university,” Danz said. “If you can start off with a good relationship in August, you can start doing better reporting because you already have a relationship with the sources you’re talking to.”
Dante Collinelli

Dante Collinelli is the digital chief copy editor for The Temple News and a senior journalism major.
“I’ve gotten to see it change so much over four years,” Collinelli said. “Like I just hope that, you know, they keep leaning into the digital side of things and experimenting with new stuff.”
Natalie Kerr

Natalie Kerr is the chief print copy editor for The Temple News and a senior journalism and environmental studies major.
“I just want us to continue to be a resource for students, and that reflects students,” Kerr said. “You know, when students open the paper, I want them to, you know, recognize themselves in the content that we’re putting out and like news that is really important to them and features that they find really interesting, you know, opinions that represent their own perspectives.”
Haajrah Gilani

Haajrah Gilani is the assignments editor for The Temple News and a junior journalism major.
“I don’t ever want it to feel like reporters and editors are, like, out of touch with how students are feeling so I just hope that we can, like, always keep that,” Gilani said.
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