Commentary A ‘thank you’ to The Temple News for my growth 26 April 2022 Tyler Perez A former writer and editor explains how The Essayist shaped his growth as a writer.
Opinion On commencement, COVID-19 and my college career 07 December 2021 Tyler Perez A first-generation student reflects on finishing college during the COVID-19 pandemic.
CORONAVIRUS Temple to open COVID-19 vaccine clinic on Main Campus 22 March 2021 Tyler Perez and Colin Evans The university will provide vaccines to eligible students, employees and city residents at White Hall beginning next week.
News Temple president denounces violent mob at U.S. Capitol 07 January 2021 Tyler Perez The riots, which were in support of President Donald Trump’s push to overturn the 2020 presidential election results, left four people dead and multiple officers injured.
Personal Essays An anti-racist reading list for a quarantine summer 01 December 2020 Tyler Perez A student recalls spending their summer reading anti-racist books to become a culturally responsive educator.
Holiday Students anticipate Thanksgiving Day debates 17 November 2020 Tyler Perez This Thanksgiving, students are navigating political conversations with family members weeks after the election.
News Penn to continue remote learning in spring 30 October 2020 Tyler Perez The University of Pennsylvania will house students in single bedrooms and continue holding most remotely.
Breaking News TSG Vice President of External Affairs resigns 25 September 2020 Tyler Perez Director of Local and Community Affairs Tajnia Hussein will lead the External Affairs team.
News Temple students, faculty react to $1 million anti-racist initiative 22 September 2020 Tyler Perez The initiative will invest in a new research center and evaluate Temple policing practices.
News Presidential Search Committee to host town halls 18 September 2020 Tyler Perez The town halls will be hosted on Zoom or in person when possible.